White Privilege
At the risk of bringing "politics" onto my platform, I've just got to speak up.
I'm here to take a stand for you as a female leader, and that means giving you permission to use your voice for the betterment of the world.
And I myself want to be bold in embodying that through my platform at Urban Goddess.
Racism and white privilege are staring us in the face right now through two huge incidents caught on video camera, and shared across media platforms. Incidents that involve white privileged people abusing that privilege to perpetrate violence and aggression towards people of color.
I'm in the middle of a week of sharing live goddess gatherings to help support you in stepping fully into your embodiment, your feminine energy, and your power and magnificence. And it might seem like fluffy stuff compared to the dire circumstances that our world is in right now, but the truth is, it couldn't be more relevant.
The more we step into an embodied experience of our feminine power, the more we are awakened to the pain and suffering in the world, and cannot turn a blind eye to it, and the more we feel bold and empowered to offer our contribution, in even the smallest ways, through our daily actions. That is the ultimate goal of my platform and my work with women.
I want you to experience pleasure, and prosperity, and ease, and flow in your life, AND I want to plug you into your deepest truths and deepest desires for yourself personally, and for the world we live in.
We KNOW this way is NOT working. It will not be sustained in the new paradigm, and we as female leaders must tap into our power so that we can be a part of the shift into a new paradigm that is not based on a model of battle and conflict. We must step into alignment with our source, to an inner feeling of enough-ness, abundance, self love, so that we CAN BE THE CHANGE that helps us step into a world based on principles of harmony and love.
Below I share a quote from Bell Hooks about white privilege and a few thoughts I have about the woman in central park who called the police on a black man who was bird watching.
From my Facebook post yesterday:
"This week a white woman, fully well knowing of her privilege, chose to break the law, and then call the police on a black man who had the “audacity” to confront her on it.
This is the epitome of abuse of a privileged position.
White sisters - we have to become conscious of this privilege, own up to it, acknowledge it, and then be conscious of how we navigate the world with this awareness around our privilege.
Amy Cooper apologized, claiming she’s not racist. I think she may actually believe that, because she clearly hasn’t done the difficult work of examining her unconscious biases and beliefs.
Too many “good white women” in the world believe they are not racist, and claim they are not privileged, yet haven’t done the work to break out of the miasma of their unconscious programming and behavioral settings.
White women: Our privilege is something we take for granted: something we don’t even realize is there because it’s always been there. We were born into it and it feels as common as the air we breathe. We know that our life is considered more valuable than a black man’s by the society we live in. We know it like we know the sky is blue and the grass is green, and that c comes after b in the alphabet. We know it like 1 plus 1 is two.
But we never let that thought become conscious. Because it is too painful to admit. It feels too painful to acknowledge that this thing we’ve taken for granted and benefited from our entire life is WRONG.
Our conscious mind would never allow us to say that our life is more valuable than another, yet we know that the systems of our culture that we benefit from are based upon this very belief.
We know that as a white woman all we have to do is say that we’re being threatened by a black man, (even when we’re in the wrong, even if we’re the one breaking the law,) and the systems and structures of our society will protect us and our well being over his.
So what do we do? First we must pierce the membrane of unconscious gunk which creates a blurry inability to see our own privileges, and own up to our position.
If we consciously acknowledge our privilege, we can no longer unconsciously abuse that power.
With our eyes wide open, we can at the very least, go out of our way to use our privilege to look out for, protect, be a voice for those less privileged. You don’t need a platform to do this. This is something we can all do in the little interactions we have all day every day when we engage with the world.
I know there is much more work beyond this to be done, but this is what I've got for today..."
With Fierce Love,